So how is life? Things are going really good
While we were in
Tab South things were going awesome! A ton of new people in Tab South and now I am
back in Tab North we have been working
to get new people but with not a ton of success but it works just fine. We still have a bunch of people to teach so
that is sweet!
The weather here
has been hot and dry but that is ok with me.
People here are way
blessed weather wise. There are not
hurricanes. If a hurricane were to hit
here everyone would die. The land is too small to survive anything. People here don’t have any food storage
either. Some people have boats for
fishing and little canoe type boats but they don’t have life rafts or life jackets. The only thing that ever happens in Kiribati is
that it just rains a bunch. But here in Tab it doesn't rain very often at all...
It is just hot all the time. I would rather have it be hot though than for it
to be raining and me to be soaking wet biking around.
Here is an
interesting experience we had. On Monday
morning at about 12:30 am we got up and
went and collected a half a bucket of hermit crabs for a couple hours in the
middle of the forest. Then, once we had them we went back to bed. When we woke up the next morning on P-day, we
went fishing with them. I caught a couple fish.
The one that was the coolest was a blow fish!! It was pretty sweet!! Everyone said that if you don't clean it out
right and you eat it then you will die. Well… I am not dead so I guess the lady
that cooked it for us cleaned it good.
Just to let you know blow fish just tastes like regular fish it was
I had a great
experience that I will tell you about. We have a way sick investigator named
Karakiteua. He is the greatest, but has
a way hard time praying. It was like he
couldn’t pray at all. We have had him try tons of times and his mind just
blanks and he says nothing the entire prayer and then closes the prayer. I felt
like we should have him try one more time though and as he was trying to pray I
was praying way hard that he could say a prayer. He finally said his first
prayer all by himself!! He pretty much
just said “Our Heavenly Father, we ask
thee that thou wilt love us, in the name of Jesus Christ Amen.” It
was way sweet and the spirit was so strong. I definitely felt like God had
answered my prayer to help him pray.
We have heard
that we may be getting some more missionaries in October so that will be
good. It is hard to teach for only 2
weeks and then leave for 2 weeks. We will
be going to Tab South in 2 weeks, but after that new Elders should be heading
down there. Nothing is confirmed but it should be happening in October and I
think Elder Pratt and I should be staying in Tab North after we get back from
Tab South. You asked if we bring all our
belongs when we go back and forth and the answer is yes. We bring all our belongings with us each time
we go. We took a boat again. A plane is 10 dollars cheaper but we choose
what day we leave on the boat. A plane
you go when they go.
I will definitely miss Tab South if I end up
in Tab North but I miss whatever area I am not in and that is just a part of
the mission.
I will await the
package, I am looking forward to a
camera again. Just send whatever your
heart desires. I should have internet
next week so I will email again.
Well, thanks for
all the support and such.
Love you,
Elder Dinsdale

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