mum, (I am now Australian) (Just kidding I am not)
got the package!!! I don't know what
stuff is from whom, but thank you for everything! The Les Mis book was the coolest looking book
I have ever seen. I read like 3 pages
and then went and gave it to Tiimei. He seemed to really like it and his wife
said he loves reading so hopefully he can get through all 1200 something pages
in it. But really, if you happen to find another book you should get it for me.
I am going to Tarawa supposedly next
week so do not send anything here. Thanks
anyways though
Provo Temple looks awesome. It will be
cool coming back and seeing new temples or new building or stuff. Haven't seen
a Temple in person for a while and I probably won't. But in 2 more years they
will again just be all around.
work is going really good. Elder Beacham and I are having a good time. People
keep showing up that are good to have lessons so we just keep teaching them.
Some people change super quickly, others take more
time. We have a lot of decent investigators right now. About 4 could be baptized this month or early next month. I will be in Tarawa by then but it will be good for Elder Beachams new companion
time. We have a lot of decent investigators right now. About 4 could be baptized this month or early next month. I will be in Tarawa by then but it will be good for Elder Beachams new companion
week I went on a split and went back to Banana.
It was awesome! After teaching
that night Elder Hungai (my last companion that is from the Island of Vanuata)
and I went fishing. I caught an eel and a sea crab. So it seems as far as
fishing has gone my mission I never end up catching a fish. But it is all chill
and we had a great time.
have been wondering about how the government and such in America has been. I
hear all the time about random things that happen in America, but they are from
Kiribati people and I am not sure what they know. People here sometimes believe
that like the violence and stuff you see in the movies like transformers and
such is how America really is. So I don't know what to think anymore or who to
trust with random information they tell me.
Honestly, it would be easier if everyone just believed in Christ and
tried to follow His teachings. The world would be such a better place
Afatasi (whom is in my District in Kiritimati) will be coming home from his
mission next week so I will give him a bunch of stuff to bring home. Not a
bunch, but a little bit. He says he is having a homecoming party if you want to
go to it. They are Samoan so I guess they love guests and crap and will welcome
you if you go. They live in the Salt Lake Area. It should be the Saturday of
next week. So, I think that is like 1 week and 6 days from your time in
America. So, plan on that or if you just want I can have him send it home but I
figured you might want to talk to him and stuff since I have worked with in
Kiritimati. He can speak Kiribati and crap too so yeah.
for spiritual stuff we listened to a talk this morning and the mad said a quote
I loved.
'If we
entertain temptations, soon they begin entertaining us.'
is all too true. Yeah honestly before
the mission I rarely read scriptures and when I did it was a pain. Now it is honestly
something I enjoy. It just takes time to read and ponder things.
up all the good stuff at home.
Elder Dinsdale
Elder Dinsdale
PS Elder Beacham says hello. Hello in Kiribati is Mauri, goodbye is tiabo.
Mauri is pronounced howdy but with an M
instead of the H. And tiabo is
pronounced saw bow (cutting saw, bow like bow and arrow)

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